Robert Half: The Rise of the Employer Brand

14/06/2007 09:51:00

Robert Half has recently conducted an international survey which identifies emerging trends from over 2,200 finance managers across 17 countries in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America, some of these include:

· Australian companies are relying on word of mouth to reinforce and communicate their employer brand to market (32%) with only 4% utilising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 4% coverage in industry publications and 19% through HR policies

· Recruitment should be viewed as an extension of marketing and organisations must have clear strategies to market the brand to employees

· If your employees love working for your company and buy into your employer brand, they will be your best advertisement

Whitepaper further focuses on:

· The link between employer branding and the skills shortage
· How an employer brand can assist with attracting and retaining staff
· The importance of employer branding for Generation Y and
· How to create and implement a successful employer brand

To view the full survey, please click here