Have Your Recruits Got the X Factor?

Recruitment specialist Pareto Law offers its top tips for identifying star talent

The fifth series of the X Factor is now in full swing with millions of viewers tuning in to see the number of hopefuls whittled down to only one. But when it comes to recruiting the top candidates for your business, how can you identify star talent and discover who really has what it takes?

Spotting top talent is an issue for every industry. Now recruitment specialist Pareto Law, which interviews thousands of graduates every year to find the best for sales careers with brands such as Barclays and Whyte & Mackay, offers its top tips on finding candidates with the ‘X Factor’.

Attitude – How many times have you seen an X Factor contestant dazzle the judges with their vocal gymnastics only to completely ruin their chances of progressing to the next round by acting like a diva. Talent is crucial, but if your candidate has a large ego, then you are probably better off without them.

Appearance – No matter whether it’s a singing audition or a job interview, appearances create that vital first impression. Take a careful look at how your candidates present themselves – everything from the clothes they wear, and how creased they are, to the condition of their shoes, any tattoos, and piercings – they can all reveal a lot about the attitude and approaches of an individual.

Greeting – While candidates are unlikely to greet interviewers with a song, their handshake and first words are just as important as those opening notes. Assess their confidence and manner – if they come to work for you they will be representing your business so they need to come across well from the start.

Preparation – Lack of preparation is one of the most common stumbling blocks for many X Factor contestants, and the same is true for new recruits. Instead of putting in those all-important hours in rehearsals, there are always some who would rather spend a bit longer in the bar. But, make sure you have also prepared, and have questions ready to find out just how much they want the job you have available.

Pro-activity – If a contestant on X Factor has always dreamt of being a singer, you would imagine they would have taken every opportunity to get involved with singing. The same goes for a career. If your candidate tells you they would be perfect for the job, you expect them to have some relevant experience to back this up - whether it is two years, two months or even two weeks, pro-activity is key in identifying your star recruits.

Full information on Pareto Law is available at www.paretolaw.co.uk


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